
Insurance Recruitment Agency in UK

Insurance Recruitment Agency in UK

Insurance is a financial safety net, helping you and your loved ones recover after something bad happens – such as a fire, theft, lawsuit or car accident. An insurance policy/plan is a contact between an individual and an insurance company. Under the contract, you pay regular amounts of money (as premiums) to the insurer, and they pay you if the sum assured on unfortunate event arises, for example, untimely demise ...

Insurance Recruitment Agency in London, UK

Insurance Recruitment Agency in London, UK

Insurance is a legal agreement between two parties is the insurance company (insurer) and the individual (insured). Under the contract, you pay regular amounts of money (as premiums) to the insurer, and they pay you if the sum assured on unfortunate event arises, for example, untimely demise of the life insured, an accident, or damage to a house. It’s called a contingency because there’s an uncertainty regarding ...

Insurance Recruitment Agency in London

Insurance Recruitment Agency in London

The Insurance industry of the United Kingdom is the largest in Europe and stands fourth largest in the world. Insurance Industry offers different types of players operating in different spaces that is life insurance, health insurance, home insurance, car insurance or valuables. Insurance companies do not cater to the same customer base in terms of offering the same products. Categories of insurance companies are acci...