
Event Management in Greater London offers great hiring solutions at any scale

Event Management in Greater London offers great hiring solutions at any scale

Event management is the process of creating and maintaining an event. This process spans from the very beginning of planning all the way to post-event strategizing. They may be large-scale or small-scale events and can include business conventions, training seminars, industry conferences, trade shows, ceremonies, parties, concerts, festivals and press conferences. During an event, event managers oversee the event liv...

Quality Of Hiring in UK

Quality Of Hiring in UK

Before we dive, to know what actually recruitment is all about its really important to understand the concept of quality hiring. Why is it so important to hire quality candidates? A basic question that keeps on arising, to know that speed was the only metric to measure the recruiting success but not anymore, the most valuable KPI for recruiters is the quality of hire. Quality of hiring is the value a new hire adds to...